Watauga County Beekeepers:  near Boone, North Carolina Calendar: WCBA Events


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TUE, APR 4, 2017

Watauga Beekeeper Meeting

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 6 PM – 9 PM

Watauga County Agricultural Conference Center

Public · Hosted by Brett Butler

6:00 Sign-up sheet and nametags

Volunteer sign-up sheet

Check out the resource table

Market table

Refreshments thank you Angie and Nanette

6:15 Meet and greet

Q&A with Ed and Everett

50/50 Raffle

7:00 Business meeting

News and update

Welcome and club update Mary

Treasures report and Membership update - Gordon

Commemorative Hive HS Green

Event summary:

Bee Cause Sabena and Doug

Blooms and Bees

BRWIA Seed Library at Wat. Library Dusty and Mary

Calendar update Mary

Conference: Bee Bowl team: anyone interested?

7:15- 8:30 Presentation: Pick one

Ed Yates: How to install a package, bee yard safety and equipment

Everett Matheson: Swarms and Splits

Ask questions as they are glad to help.

05/03/20/ Annie Thomas/ Meetings/